It's time to stop the self-sabotage and yo-yo dieting so you can drop the unwanted weight to feel confident in every piece of clothing you put on, without giving up pizza and ice cream.

It's time to stop the self-sabotage and yo-yo dieting so you can drop the unwanted weight to feel confident in every piece of clothing you put on, without giving up pizza and ice cream.

But here's the deal - you CAN reach your full potential and wear your confidence as comfortably as your favorite leggings and you can do it while still enjoying date night, happy hour with your girlfriend, and baking precious family recipes with your kids.

No more letting trips and travel, busy seasons of life, holidays, or those *special occasions* that pop up over and over again become the reason why you 'fall off track' and gain the 10 pounds back you worked so dang hard to lose.

in 2024, we're going to ditch the strict diets that eventually fail, leaving you feeling like you're in a toxic relationship with food and the scale. if you're Frustrated as each new effort seems harder than the last, with life's busyness getting in the way of lasting change -
you. are. not. alone.

you'll see that you can effortlessly keep your weight loss moving and maintain it - even when a trip to your favorite mexican and margs place calls

Is Losing Weight Starting to Feel More Like a Losing Battle?

Is Losing Weight Starting to Feel More Like a Losing Battle?

tell me if you're experiencing any of these...


Feeling like a prisoner in your body and looks, constantly dieting and still having your shorts feel way too snug


Struggling with willpower as the yo-yo dieting leaves you depleted and giving into quick fixes (that never last).


Feeling like a failure whenever you fall off track or see little progress on the scale - throwing in the towel, only to start the cycle all over again.


Desperate to feel confident and empowered in your body and diet, yet lost on how to achieve that because everything you try feels so strict or too complicated.

here's the truth...

We were once in your shoes. We felt the same exact way.

Each losing 100 pounds (and yes, Bridget did it in her 60s), we know firsthand the path you are walking. You are NOT broken and you are NOT alone in your struggles. We thought we were too. until one day we realized we weren't broken - the dieting & weight loss methods we learned were broken.

With degrees in psychology and nutrition and over 8 years as a fat loss expert, I’ve helped thousands of women lose weight while enjoying their favorite foods. My mission is to show you that you can look and feel even better than before having kids—without deprivation—and maintain your results for life!

Where women reclaim their confidence and achieve lasting weight loss. This comprehensive course and plan offers a holistic approach that combines simple, macro-balanced nutrition strategies and mindset mastery to overcome self-sabotage so you can stop saying "I'll just restart when timing is better.". Say goodbye to deprivation and hello to feeling like your hottest, fittest self. No more gaining and losing the same 5-10 pounds over and over. We don't get this time back - time to take control and become the version of yourself you dream of.



In this phase, you'll lay the groundwork for success by mastering the science behind weight loss. Learn how to plan, prep and log meals like a pro. Learn what other macro programs don't teach: how to balance your diet without all of the overcomplicated stuff. Get customized macros from Hilary for a strong start and begin seeing progress unfold as your relationship with food evolves forever.

Take your results to the next level by fine-tuning your approach. Discover balanced strategies to maintain your lifestyle without derailing. Feel empowered knowing exactly how to handle treats, nights out and weekends without sabotage. Signature tools that allow you to actually live your life and love this process all while seeing the fat loss results you want.

What's Inside The BBA Course

The Foundations For Fat Loss

Tweaks To Turn Up Your Results

phase one

phase two

Through dedicated mindset modules, you'll gain tools to help win the inner game. Lessons curb excuses while strengthening your ability to stay steadfast. Shifting toxic self-talk from enemy to friend allows transformation to seamlessly flow. By breaking free cognitively, your body can follow suit. This mind-first approach empowers loving, lifelong self-care & lasting results. The missing key for sustained results lies in the mindset shifts.

Mindset Support

feature four

Break through any final barriers as you optimize habits, reprogram limiting beliefs and reclaim your power to stay consistent long-term. Watch as you transform into your healthiest, strongest, most radiant self from the inside out. This is your time to flourish beyond all expectations of "success" - this is about truly tapping into the version of yourself you dream of becoming and knowing you'll never have to go on another diet to lose the weight again.

Optimize For Lasting Success

feature Three


Flexibility to enjoy events and indulgences without derailing your progress

How does this sound?

Lose those pounds that have lingered for way too long & love how you look



what this plan will set
you up for:

Never feel stuck at plateaus again with tools to continuously adapt & optimize your plan


Free yourself from constant scale frustration & learn to trust the process instead


Unlock your true potential and break the self-sabotage that's holding you back



With The BBA Course You Get:

You'll tell us about YOU and your goals and receive a personalized macro count from Hilary so you can feel incredibly confident in your start. + You'll learn exactly when & how to adjust if needed!

personal targets

This course and plan will ensure you know exactly what to do to have a flexible diet, but it also has lessons woven throughout on mindset because diet is only ONE part of the puzzle. You can't lose with this plan.

an elevated mindset

You won't have to wonder your way through this transformation. The course roadmap lays out exactly what steps to take and when so that you feel guided, at ease, and fully on track to your dream body.

a roadmap

"Your framework has proven to me that my body is not broken!! You taught me the "formula" is really simple"

- tara d, down 8 lbs & 6+ inches at 50!

Amazing ladies


"I have more energy, know how to feed my body so I have more control in the evenings, have made working out a daily habit, and my jeans are looser."

- ashley e., down 10 pounds & feeling her best

Amazing ladies


Ready to love your body and diet?

you don't have to stay stuck in the frustration and disappointment of quick fixes. there is a way out.

"I have learned that it's all about balance. I have gained confidence & I have the energy to keep up with my kids now!"

Like many women her age, Shanon thought her weight gain was just "part of being peri-menopausal". Now she's wearing sizes she can't believe and off her blood pressure medication!

shanon lost 40+ pounds in her late 40s!

Yes, It is possible for you

"This program is SO sustainable, and that has made all the difference. I am the healthiest and most fit I've ever been at 41!"

Allison had tried ALL the fad diets and was a cardio queen. She had always been "skinny fat" and after losing 20 lbs, 7+ inches, and 4 pants sizes - she's maintaining her habits & her fit bod!

allison is down 20 lbs & maintaining

"I’m currently down just over 55lbs! I’ve had to replace everything in my closet twice in the past few months. My energy levels are up, blood pressure is down, and my blood sugar levels are normal!"

Using our proven framework, Naomi was able to learn the formula for fat loss and reach some MAJOR goals. For her, it's about "being the happy, healthy mom her kids deserve."

naomi, busy mom of 9, down 55 lbs


full access to the entire course lessons, videos, printouts

a one-time macro count from hilary to start

lifetime access to this course + any updates made

see payment options &
get access now

choose your plan:

Course +

you get the course ++

fully custom start plan based on you & your goals

progress check-ins with hilary for food log review, adjustments, and personalized coaching


Support & accountability

Start losing today!

coaching calls, group coaching chat, support & accountability

One of our favorite resources - our printable official Course Workbook! This contains 3 months of the most important printouts, like our progress tracker, weekly meal planner, habit tracker, & more so you can stay dialed into your goals every month, week, and day for accountability!

-Fast Food Guide
-Restaurant Guide
-Busy Babe Grocery Guide
-Sample Meal Plans
-Printouts to guide weekend weight loss goals, habit tracking, & so so much more

The amount of resources we stacked in this course is insane value (over $2,500 worth!!)

Stacked with resources.

Feel totally and completely confident building balanced, nutritious meals that also allow for fun foods!

Know exactly what the formula for fat loss is so you never need another "diet plan"

A healthy relationship with food, free from fear and restriction

Feel empowered that you have the ability to make changes & see results

Increased confidence to wear clothes you love without self-doubt

Feel truly on track towards reaching your dream bod goals!

By the end of this, you will...

when I’m not perfect, this is HUGE for me and I can’t be thankful enough for getting my sanity back. It’s and amazing feeling ❤️"

- Cassie C.

“My all or nothing mentality is gone and I have no guilt...



 My overall thought process is changed surrounding food, I’m not eliminating food groups including my favorite one (sweets!), it’s a healthier shift that you can truly eat what you want, it’s making better choices more consistently"

- Amy H.

"This program has been a game changer and really a foundation for the rest of my life."




full access to the entire course lessons, videos, printouts

a one-time macro count from hilary to start

lifetime access to this course + any updates made

see payment options &
get access now

choose your plan:

Course +

you get the course ++

fully custom start plan based on you & your goals

progress check-ins with hilary for food log review, adjustments, and personalized coaching


Support & accountability

Start losing today!

coaching calls, group coaching chat, support & accountability

scroll through to see the exact plan layout

I'm Hilary, your fat loss coach bestie.

I keep it real with truth talks - no judgement, all accountability - because my mission is to help you succeed. I've been in your shoes & I know what it takes.

more about me

Hey there!

I once felt lost & defeated.

Before I got my degrees in Nutrition and Psychology, I walked a similar road to where you now stand. Overwhelmed with where to start, who to trust, and done with diets that were so dang restrictive (your girl is a foodie). I loved food and I wanted to love my diet AND my body.

Through my own experience, my professional education, and 8+ years coaching women through their weight loss journey, I have truly crafted a signature framework that has been proven by the thousands of women who have joined us. You can have food freedom. You can feel confident in your body. I did it and I will show you how.

I wasn't special and I didn't have a secret power. What I accomplished is possible for you too.

But it wasn't always this way.

Creating the confident body you have dreamed of

Feeling energized to show up in every-day life

Putting in the work to overcome self-sabotage that previously held you back & kept you stuck

Designing a balanced lifestyle and diet that you actually enjoy & can stay on track with

Gaining confidence through building a resilient mindset that empowers you

Losing the weight for the last freaking time!

If you want THIS to be the year that you *finally* commit to:

i need this

So many reviews and testimonials,
they broke our website!

Want to see reviews of women who have learned this exact framework and applied it to see results in their life? Click the HEART above! We previously kept the reviews running on our page but we had so many, it ended up crashing our site! WOAH! As you'll see - this framework is proven by hundreds of women, all walks of life. It can work for you too!


This is for you if:

You are done going off & on diets

You're looking for a quick-fix

you're ready to make changes


you want to lose the weight for good

It's probably not for you if...

you aren't ready to change

you deserve to feel amazing in your body and have peace around food

don't spend another year yo-yoing your weight


full access to the entire course lessons, videos, printouts

a one-time macro count from hilary to start

lifetime access to this course + any updates made

see payment options &
get access now

choose your plan:

Course +

you get the course ++

fully custom start plan based on you & your goals

progress check-ins with hilary for food log review, adjustments, and personalized coaching


Support & accountability

Start losing today!

coaching calls, group coaching chat, support & accountability

Do I really get to keep this course forever?

YES! We wanted to create a plan women could keep for life. This program is YOURS.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I have a medical issue or an eating disorder?

We do not recommend this program is you are currently struggling with ED. Consult with Dr before beginning any diet or exercise program. We do not address medical issues of ANY kind in this program.

Is there any coaching or access to Hilary? Can I ask questions?

This course is a stand-alone plan that does not include access to Hilary or any other BBA coaches, community, or on-going support. If you would like to enroll in our coaching or to be able to ask questions and have support + accountability as you work through this course, please choose the Course + Coaching option.

Am I guaranteed weight loss results if I join this program?

This framework is backed by evidence-based research (degreed in Nutrition & Psychology), 8+ years in the field of women's fat loss, and hundreds of testimonials from the women who have learned it. You will learn exactly what is needed to lose body fat with a balanced approach. No program/medication/procedure can guarantee results that will depend on the person's adherence, including ours.

Is a refund available if the plan does not work for me?

See above. With hundreds of testimonials from women of all ages and walks of life, we stand by this program and it's science-backed framework. We KNOW this plan works! Due to this and the digital nature and immediate access to resources, we do not offer refunds under any circumstance. Please reach out with any questions before purchasing. We are happy to chat and ensure this is right for you!

How quickly can I begin? How fast can I expect to see results?

You get immediate access to the course content so you can start right away! Personal macro counts have a turn-around of 5 business days, however you will have steps to take to get set up and moving forward on your goals immediately while you wait to receive your macros. Women following our plan feel less bloated, more energized and full, and better overall within just 5 days of beginning!

featured balanced babes


women who have joined us


Number of times I cried about that


pounds & inches lost


chat with hilary

Have  a quick question you need answered before making this decision? You can start a quick chat with me for fast answers by clicking the button below!

have a question?