You're ready to lose weight for the last time.

You're ready to lose weight for the last time.

I hear you and I see you One thing about me - I shoot it straight. I'm not here to sell you on a "quick fix magic bullet" solution that promises you "20 pounds lost by the end of the month that you'll keep off forever". Let's just call it out - you've been sold that program before and if it worked, you wouldn't be here on my site! What I will promise you is that if you are TRULY ready to make an actual lifestyle change, stop your self-sabotage and fix your mindset, and create a balanced diet where you can still enjoy pizza, cookies, and wine - you're in the right place.
And my coaching program is for YOU.

let's cut to the chase...

The Coaching Program

but you've been on a weight program website
a time or two (hundred)...

Ten Week

I know how defeating it can feel after years of dieting and never truly being happy with your body. You're exhausted from the yo-yoing and lack of control. But I'm here to tell you there is a alternative path - one where you finally claim autonomy and confidence over your health and body.

Imagine waking up feeling energetic and motivated instead of weighed down. Picture feeling so empowered, in control, and running the show that is YOUR life. Accountability is no longer a chore because you trust and believe fully in your abilities. The path ahead is clear. Now envision confidently owning the new version of yourself who looks, thinks, and FEELS her best.

Ready for your life to change?

Welcome TO


Is Losing Weight Starting to Feel More Like a Losing Battle?

Is Losing Weight Starting to Feel More Like a Losing Battle?

tell me if you're experiencing any of these...


Feeling like a prisoner in your body and looks, constantly dieting and never satisfied.


Struggling with willpower as the yo-yo dieting leaves you depleted and craving quick fixes.


Feeling like a failure whenever you fall off track or see little progress on the scale.


Desperate to feel confident and empowered in midlife yet lost on how to achieve that.

"BBH is so worth the investment in yourself... only regret is not doing it sooner.  I know I now have the tools to do what it takes to keep the weight off because BBH has helped me build the habits I need to make this sustainable!

— kaylee, down 17 lbs, 4 inches, & 3 pants sizes

but guess what...

We were once in your shoes. We felt the same exact way.

Each losing 100 pounds (and yes, mom did it in her 60s), we know firsthand the path you are walking. Using the exact framework we coach, we were able to break free once and for all. You are NOT broken and you are NOT alone in your struggles. We thought we were too.

until one day we realized we weren't broken - the dieting & weight loss methods we learned were broken.

Through our intensely supportive 10-Week transformation coaching program, you'll address the physical AND the mental to break free from old patterns and reclaim your best self to achieve lasting results. A customized and step-by-step guided framework that will show you that you can transform your body and mind to lose the weight for good WITHOUT deprivation. Whether you have 10 pounds to lose or 100 pounds to lose, these 10 weeks will be the launching pad to creating the b0dy you dream of! Let's do it together.

ten week


You'll go step-by-step through guided program content that maps out precisely how to eat for fat loss and for life. No more diet confusion keeping you stuck or deprived. This signature system ends food guilt and makes eating simple so you feel confident in nourishing yourself while balancing in the foods that you love. Paired with your custom plan, you'll know exactly what to do to finally lose the weight.

Not just a program, but real-life coaches there to help you every step of the way. Our sole purpose is empowering you to feel confident as the leader of your balanced journey while offering direction and guidance as you go. Through progress check-ins, we will ensure you're on track and provide feedback, recommendations, adjustments, and coaching to help you push past obstacles so you can see the results you want. Access to an exclusive group coaching chat for daily support so you're never alone.

What You're Getting

Ten Weeks Track to Transformation

Coaches Are
There With You

feature one

feature two

Through dedicated mindset modules, you'll gain tools to help win the inner game. Lessons curb excuses while strengthening your ability to stay steadfast. Shifting toxic self-talk from enemy to friend allows transformation to seamlessly flow. By breaking free cognitively, your body can follow suit. This mind-first approach empowers loving, lifelong self-care & lasting results. The missing key for sustained results lies in the mindset shifts.

Mindset Support

feature four

Through dedicated mindset modules and resources, you'll not only learn what's needed for fat loss success with your nutrition, but rewiring your brain for it too. The missing key for sustained results lies in the mindset shifts. This mind-first approach empowers loving, lifelong self-care & lasting results. So many women know what to do - shooting down self-sabotage and actually DOING IT is the hard part. You'll transform your body AND your brain so you can finally lose the weight and become the woman you dream of becoming!

Change Your MIND

feature Three


break the cycle of craving quick fixes for sustainable, lasting change

How does this sound?

renewed energy and vitality as your nutrition supports and fuels you



the results you're going to get:

authority over your transformation process so a few setbacks don't derail you


freedom around food and exercise to feel in control and truly balanced


confidence in how you look, thanks to self-assurance from within & results that feel good



Perks & Things

Day time and evening calls where you get to ask questions, share struggles & get direct coaching from Hilary + deep dive into specific strategies for even more support!

coaching calls

A group program blended with 1:1 coaching from Hilary. A full review of all of your data to ensure you're making progress in the program with feedback, adjustments, & coaching

progress check-ins

Trainings only available inside of Ten Week Transformation to help you overcome weekend sabotage and tweak your diet, habits, & mindset for ultimate and lasting success!

exclusive trainings

"Your framework has proven to me that my body is not broken!! You taught me the "formula" is really simple"

- tara d, down 8 lbs & 6+ inches at 50!

Amazing ladies


"I have more energy, know how to feed my body so I have more control in the evenings, have made working out a daily habit, and my jeans are looser."

- ashley e., down 10 pounds & feeling her best

Amazing ladies


A year from now you will have wished you started today...

so let's get started now!

"I have learned that it's all about balance. I have gained confidence & I have the energy to keep up with my kids now!"

Like many women her age, Shanon thought her weight gain was just "part of being peri-menopausal". Now she's wearing sizes she can't believe and off her blood pressure medication!

shanon lost 40+ pounds in her late 40s!

Yes, It is possible for you

"This program is SO sustainable, and that has made all the difference. I am the healthiest and most fit I've ever been at 41!"

Allison had tried ALL the fad diets and was a cardio queen. She had always been "skinny fat" and after losing 20 lbs, 7+ inches, and 4 pants sizes - she's maintaining her habits & her fit bod!

allison is down 20 lbs & maintaining

"I’m currently down just over 55lbs! I’ve had to replace everything in my closet twice in the past few months. My energy levels are up, blood pressure is down, and my blood sugar levels are normal!"

Using our proven framework, Naomi was able to learn the formula for fat loss and reach some MAJOR goals. For her, it's about "being the happy, healthy mom her kids deserve."

naomi, busy mom of 9, down 55 lbs

You may have been burned in past programs by signing up and feeling left to your own devices or been confused when you thought you were getting the person selling the program - yet you were handed to another coach. Not here. I, alongside my co-coach, Bridget (aka my mom!) do 100% of the coaching and we are 100% there for you. We don't like misleading  & underdelivering - what you see is what you get: US and our unwavering support!

You're stronger than you think you are. But if you're anything like me, you need help to take your power to the next level. You just want someone to tell you and show you how.

You're in the right place.

When you join Ten Week Transformation, you'll also get Balanced Babe Academy - our amazing Community of women to uplift & inspire you, accountability threads, our huge resource library with recipes, meal plan samples, grocery lists, and access to monthly challenges for even more support & motivation! All included during your TWT coaching!

You'll get complimentary access to our Balanced Babe Academy!


BBA Access for 10 Weeks!

+ Even More Support!

“Discipline is loving yourself enough to give yourself everything you've ever wanted”

— ama

Feel totally and completely confident building balanced, nutritious meals that also allow for fun foods!

Know exactly what the formula for fat loss is - physically & mentally!

Feel empowered that you have the ability to make changes & see results

Feel so supported through tools and community that have helped you believe IN YOU!

Understand how to adapt to seasons of life so that you make a true balanced lifestyle change

Feel truly on track towards reaching your dream bod goals!

By the end of this, you will...

I'm Hilary, your fat loss coach bestie.

I keep it real with truth talks - no judgement, all accountability - because my mission is to help you succeed. I've been in your shoes & I know what it takes.

more about me

Hey there!

I once felt lost & defeated.

Before I got my degrees in Nutrition and Psychology, I walked a similar road to where you now stand. Overwhelmed with where to start, who to trust, and done with diets that were so dang restrictive (your girl is a foodie). I loved food and I wanted to love my diet AND my body.

Through my own experience, my professional education, and 8+ years coaching women through their weight loss journey, I have truly crafted a signature framework that has been proven by the thousands of women who have joined us. You can have food freedom. You can feel confident in your body. I did it and I will show you how.

I wasn't special and I didn't have a secret power. What I accomplished is possible for you too.

But it wasn't always this way.

Ten Week Transformation is the only one of its kind because...

it teaches you true flexibility for lifelong results.

While many programs peddle perfection through rigid rules, our signature approach offers something far more freeing - the secret to flexible self-care that nourishes both body and soul. Through our balanced eating framework, you'll gain full knowledge around crafting a diet that you can eat for life - so you don't just lose the weight, you keep it off for good.

Whether a busy week demands fast solutions or leisure calls for indulgence, you'll feel confidence making choices aligned with your values. And a balanced nutrition framework centered around colorful whole foods deliciously fuels steady energy - no more restrictions that set you up for short-lived results. We teach you signature tools to create flexibility and freedom - the last diet you'll ever need.

it encourages autonomy - meaning you make this your dream balanced diet and lifestyle.

Too many "diets" treat wellness as a one-size-fits-all goal decided by others, leaving no room for your unique take on care, needs, and what truly motivates you from within. But achieving balance is a deeply personal journey best steered by your vision. That's why our approach empowers you as the expert of your experience every step of the way.

Through guidance tailored entirely to your preferences and lifestyle demands, you'll design a balanced routine meant for optimal well-being - not a temporary fix. Doesn't taking full reign to sculpt your dream body and life around what ignites YOUR best self sound like a dream worth pursuing? 

a custom plan to start

easily accessible & simple to follow

support & accountability

Follow a proven roadmap

This program includes everything you need to finally lose the weight.

But even the world's best program (ours!) can only take you so far. Applying what you learn and showing up to put in the work that only you can do is the only way to move the needle. However, I believe that this time...something about you might just be different...this time you're truly ready to do it.

Creating the confident body you have dreamed of

Feeling energized to show up in every-day life

Putting in the work to overcome self-sabotage that previously held you back & kept you stuck

Designing a balanced lifestyle and diet customized entirely for your unique needs

Gaining confidence through building a resilient mindset that empowers you

Losing the weight for the last freaking time!

If you want THIS to be the year that you *finally* commit to:

i need this

This is for you if:

You are ready to commit to your goals

You're looking for a quick-fix

you know you need acountability & support


you want to lose the weight for good

It's probably not for you if...

you aren't ready to change

What kind of support do I get inside of the chat?

It is open 24/7 for our clients to chat and support each other. Coaches are in M-F to answer questions!

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I have a medical issue or an eating disorder?

We do not recommend this program is you are currently struggling with ED. Consult with Dr before beginning any diet or exercise program. We do not address medical issues of ANY kind in this program.

When are the calls scheduled? What if I can't make a call?

We have 3 calls per month, day time & evening options. All calls are recorded for replay. You are encouraged to ask questions ahead of call if you cannot attend so you can get coached!

Am I guaranteed weight loss results if I join this program?

No program can guarantee weight loss - including ours! Our framework is proven by thousands, but YOU have to put in the work! We can guarantee you'll learn exactly what is needed to lose the weight!

When will I begin the program? Is it truly custom?

Once you apply, you'll hear back from us within 24 hours and a start date will be determined! Hilary creates EVERY custom plan & sends you an onboarding video with your plan detailed out.

What if I know I need longer than ten weeks for my weight loss?

Ten weeks is JUST the start for many and we have several options for on-going help based on what kind of support you need at the end of your 10 weeks. We are there are LONG as you need us!

Are there other coaching program options available?

Ten Week Transformation is our signature and one & only coaching program where you get high-level direct access to us and our entire framework!

What if I don't want to complete the program? Can I get a refund or stop payment?

Due to immediate access to high-value goods, we do not offer refunds. You are free to discontinue the program at any time. See our Terms & Conditions.


women who have joined us


Number of times I cried about that


pounds & inches lost


chat with hilary

Have  a quick question you need answered before jumping in and joining us? You can start a quick chat with me for fast answers by clicking the button below!

have a question?