
Let’s Achieve Your Dream Body Together

You can know what to do to lose weight ALL day, but it we know firsthand that's only half of the battle. With our high-level coaching, you'll have accountability & support to finally make the changes, stay the course, & reach your dream body goals.

real talk:

Have you been putting yourself on the back-burner, not taking your goals seriously, and giving into quick-fix fad diets? Girl, it's time to do this whole weight loss thing differently.

In 2024, we know we deserve the love and care we are constantly pouring into others. We also know the gimmicky diets that promise lightning fast results don't work (or we'd be living in our dream bod already!) Let's stop wasting time and realize we have ONE life and we can live that life in a body that we feel confident in and proud of - all while being balanced!

& here's the thing - you don't have to do it alone.

Ten Week Transformation Works

You'll get started with your custom targets & goals so you know the exact steps to get started for a confident & fast start.

You'll learn our proven framework for fat loss (the last diet you'll ever need) AND transform your mindset with our trainings.

You'll have community support, group coaching calls, access to our private podcast, and access to your coaches for questions & expert guidance.

i can help because i've been there

10 years ago I was a new mom overwhelmed at the thought of losing 100 pounds & unsure where to even begin

I was a foodie who just was NOT willing to give up pizza, chocolate, or my occasional dinner out with wine. I wanted to feel excited about losing weight and enjoy my life at the same time.

I created my own framework for a balanced diet, lost 100 pounds, & totally transformed my life.

& now I help women do the exact same

"I feel so much better in my own skin now! I have more energy. I am more confident when I look in the mirror. My old pre-weight-gain professional clothes fit better, and I've had to buy completely new jeans and leggings! I am more confident in my ability to made food decisions that are balanced and sustainable. I'm ditching the "all or nothing" mindset and have learned to plan ahead to incorporate cravings and special events in moderation."


Here’s What You Need

a simple nutrition plan

The formula for fat loss is actually really simple. Creating a balanced diet that is individualized so you're eating the foods you actually like that works even when you're booked & busy.

that teaches you to eat for life

The #1 mistake with weight loss plans? They only to teach you how to eat while you're losing the weight. Our framework teaches you to eat for life for LASTING results so you lose weight for life.

and transforms your mindset & your life

Transforming your body is more than just shedding pounds - it's about a total transformation of your life! Rewire your mindset & revolutionize your habits for GOOD!

How does this sound?

here's a little of what you can expect:


finally understand how to actually see fat loss results


create a balanced diet that includes the foods you love


feel confident dining out and including treats - even during weight loss


rewire your brain to become the version of yourself you dream of 


lose weight + feel amazing + ditch the yoyo dieting forever

Yes, You Can Do This

Kaylee feels confident

"When I watched it back on TV, I looked thinner and confident up there!"

Before she started coaching, Kaylee felt "defeated, like nothing is working" She is a boss Babe who has made time for herself - despite a busy travel and personal life. She's dropped pounds and lost inches and is wearing a suit that hasn't fit her in years!

Rachel feels better - physically & mentally

"I can no longer wear many of my old go to clothes because they are too big!"

Rachel is a mom and teacher who felt like she would always be stuck gaining and losing the same weight over & over - she joined our coaching & is wearing clothing she hasn't fit into in a long time and her scale weight is dropping consistently.

Rebecca feels in control

"I have been mindful of not overdoing it - that wouldn't have happened before."

Rebecca has made mindset shifts that have helped her become mindful of her food and drink and come out of social situations feeling in control - & the scale shows her hard work has paid off!

sara Got her whole life in order again

“I didn’t think it would be worth it. It was. I didn’t think it would work for me. It did. I didn’t think I’d be *that* success story. I am.”

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Next Case Study 

shaina finally had some free time again

“Working with Blaire was one of the best decisions I've made in my business. It's literally been game-changing.”

Lorem ipsum dolor amet pickled roof party artisan cray organic. Succulents cloud bread food truck glossier cardigan celiac vegan dreamcatcher selfies neutra forage. Street art biodiesel echo park man braid banjo YOLO. Pork belly everyday carry keytar biodiesel, letterpress ennui shoreditch vegan. Banjo VHS wolf.

Next Case Study 

Is This Right For You?

You need to finally make your goals a priority

You're overwhelmed by trying to figure it out yourself

YOu WANT TO have food freedom and flexbility in your diet

You're so tired of starting and stopping

you're ready to commit and lose the weight!

is that a yes?

Get all the details on Coaching!

We would love to have you join our coaching program! Click the button below and we will send you the information directly to your inbox!

i want it!

"The mindset shift with this program and support is everything for me. This is it for me- this is how I want to live."

- laurie